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T-SQL LIKE Operator


The Like operator in T-SQL is like a secret passage to an efficient yet powerful way of querying data. For those seeking to wield its might proficiently, it requires more than a casual understanding. It demands a deep dive into sql like the nuance of pattern matching and the careful handling of wildcard characters.


The T-SQL LIKE operator is used for pattern matching in SQL Server queries. Here’s the syntax:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern; 

column, column1, column2, …: The columns you want to retrieve data from in the SELECT statement. You can specify multiple columns separated by commas.

table_name: The name of the table you want to create the query data from.

column_name: The specific column you want to perform the pattern matching on in the WHERE clause.

pattern: The pattern you want to match. It can include wildcard characters to represent either one character or more characters.


The T-SQL LIKE operator is a powerful tool for pattern matching in SQL Server. Here’s a breakdown of its key aspects:


The basic syntax of the LIKE operator is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern;

column1, column2, …: Columns you want to retrieve data from.

table_name: Name of the table you’re querying data from.

column_name: Specific column you’re performing pattern matching on.

pattern: The pattern you want to match against. It can include wildcard characters.

Wildcard Character:

% (percent sign): Represents zero or more characters.

_ (underscore): Represents a single character.

Single Character Basic Usage:

Use % to match any sequence of characters. For example, ‘J%’ matches all strings that start with ‘J’.

Use to match any string a single character. For example, ‘Dv%’ matches strings that start with ‘D’, followed by any character, and then ‘v’.


Matching strings starting with a specific letter:

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeName LIKE 'J%'; 

Matching strings containing a specific substring:

SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductName LIKE '%book%'; 

Matching strings with a specific pattern of characters:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Email LIKE ''; 

This matches email addresses with four characters before the ‘@’ symbol and ending with ‘.com’.

Case Sensitivity:

By default, the LIKE operator is case-insensitive. To perform a case-sensitive search, you can use the COLLATE keyword with to create a case-sensitive string collation.

Using Multiple % Wildcards in the LIKE Condition

Multiple % Wildcards Example:

Suppose we have a table named Products with rows and a column named ProductName, and we want to retrieve all products whose names contain both “apple” and “pie” with potentially other words in between.

SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE ProductName LIKE '%apple%pie%'; 


The % wildcard matches any sequence of characters, including zero characters.

Placing % between “apple” and “pie” allows any characters to occur between these two words.

This query retrieves all ProductNames containing both “apple” and “pie” regardless of the characters in between.

Example – Using the NOT Operator with the LIKE Condition

In T-SQL, you can use the NOT operator in conjunction with the LIKE condition to perform pattern matching and negate the result. Here’s how you can use it:


Suppose we have a table of rows of values named Products with a column named ProductName, and we want to retrieve all products whose names do not contain the word “apple”.

SELECT ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE NOT ProductName LIKE '%apple%';


The NOT operator negates the result of the LIKE condition.

The % wildcard matches any sequence of characters, including zero characters.

This query retrieves all ProductNames that do not contain the word “apple”.

Pattern match using LIKE

Supports ascidian matching and uicode matching. The ASCII data types of the argument are mapped to a matching ASCII pattern. If an argument of the type Unicode is present, then every character expression of argument is converted into one character of Unicode patterns. During use of the Unicode Data type nchar nvarchar with LIKE the trailing blank will be significant however, in nonUnicode Data a trailed blank will not be significant. Unicode LIKE supports ISO standards. AsCII LIKE supports SQL Server’s previous versions as well.

Pattern match with the ESCAPE characters

In T-SQL, the ESCAPE clause allows you to specify an escape character when using a wildcard character or characters like % and _ in the LIKE condition. This allows you to search for literal occurrences of escape characters in the wildcard characters themselves. Here’s how you can use it:

Basic Syntax:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern ESCAPE escape_character;


Suppose for example, we have a table named Employees with a column named EmployeeName, and we want to retrieve all employees stored in customers table whose names contain a literal underscore character (_) followed by any character.

SELECT EmployeeName
FROM Employees
WHERE EmployeeName LIKE '%_%' ESCAPE '';


In the LIKE condition, we use % to match any sequence of characters, and _ to match a literal underscore character followed by any character.

The ESCAPE clause specifies as the escape character.

This query retrieves all EmployeeNames that contain a literal underscore character.

Additional Considerations:

You can use any character as the escape character, but it must be a single character.

Ensure that the escape character you choose does not conflict with any characters in your data.

The escape character is only used to interpret wildcard characters literally; it does not affect other characters in the pattern.

Performance Considerations and Optimization

While the LIKE operator is a powerful tool, its use can impact database performance, especially when used with leading wildcards (%). We’ll discuss how to optimize your queries to reduce the performance overhead.

Understanding the Impact of Leading Wildcards

When using a leading wildcard character, such as in the following query: `LIKE ‘%searchTerm’`, SQL Server must perform a table scan to look for matches. This is because an index cannot be used to search for a term that could start anywhere within a string.

Optimizing Queries with LIKE

One effective strategy to optimize queries using LIKE is to filter out data as much as possible before applying the LIKE condition to sql query. This means using other, more index-friendly, conditions first.

Indexing Strategies for Queries with LIKE

Creating a non-clustered index with the indexed column that is being used with the LIKE operator can vastly improve query performance. However note, this improvement is most significant when the wildcard is a value not a leading wildcard value.

Common Pitfalls and Mistakes

While the LIKE operator in SQL Server is a powerful tool for pattern matching, there are some examples of common pitfalls and mistakes that developers should be aware of:

Case Sensitivity:

By default, the LIKE operator in SQL Server is case-insensitive. This can lead to unexpected results if case sensitivity is required. Developers should be cautious when relying on LIKE for case-sensitive searches and consider using case-sensitive collations or functions like COLLATE to enforce case sensitivity above query itself.

Leading Wildcards:

Using a leading wildcard (%) in the LIKE pattern can cause performance issues, especially in large tables. Queries with leading wildcards typically require a full table scan, which can result in slow query execution times. It’s advisable to avoid leading wildcards whenever possible or consider alternative approaches such as full-text search or indexing strategies.

Unescaped Wildcard Characters:

If wildcard characters like % and _ are part of the actual data rather than being used for pattern matching, they need to be escaped to avoid unintended matches. Forgetting to escape wildcard characters can lead to inaccurate query results.

Overuse of Wildcards:

While wildcard characters are useful for flexible search pattern matching, overusing them can lead to overly broad search criteria and potentially return irrelevant or unintended results. Developers should carefully consider the placement, length and frequency of wildcard characters to ensure they are matching the desired patterns accurately.






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