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Understanding and Implementing Triggers in SQL Server


What Is A Trigger In T SQL

Triggers in SQL Server are used to automate tasks whenever a change is made to the database. This allows for greater efficiency, accuracy and scalability compared to manual processes. In this guide, we’ll provide a detailed overview of triggers so you can understand exactly what they are and how they work.

Triggers are special stored procedures that automatically execute whenever an event or change occurs in the database. A SQL trigger is a database object that fires when INSERTs, DELETEs, or UPDATEs to particular tables are executed. When the trigger is fired, it runs the stored procedure which contains the logic for performing whatever task is required by the trigger. For example, if a new record is added to table A, an associated trigger could be written to move that record into another table. If the trigger fails, the original operation also fails.

What Are The Best Features Of Trigger In T-SQL

Triggers in T-SQL provide a powerful mechanism for automating common tasks in a SQL Server database. Here are some of the benefits of using triggers:

  • Data Validation: Triggers can be used to enforce data integrity rules and validate the data before it is inserted, updated or deleted in a table. For example, a trigger can be created to prevent the insertion of invalid data in a table or to enforce cross database referential integrity and referential integrity between related tables.

  • Auditing: Triggers can be used to log changes made to a table for auditing purposes. By capturing information such as the user ID, date and time, and the action performed, you can maintain a history of the changes made to the data in the table.

  • Automatic Updates: Triggers can be used to update related tables automatically when changes are made to a particular table. For example, when a record is inserted or updated in a table, the trigger can automatically update a corresponding record in another table.

  • Complex Business Logic: Triggers can be used to implement complex business logic that involves multiple tables or business rules. By using triggers, you can encapsulate the business logic in the database itself, making it easier to maintain and update.

  • Performance Optimization: Triggers can be used to improve database performance by precomputing or caching frequently used data. By using triggers to maintain precomputed data in a separate table, you can avoid the need to recalculate the data every time it is needed, which can improve query performance.

Overall, triggers in T-SQL provide a flexible and powerful mechanism for automating common tasks in a SQL Server database. By using triggers, you can improve data integrity, automate business processes, and optimize database performance, making your database more efficient and reliable.

Create Trigger Syntax - How You Create A Trigger In T-SQL

In T-SQL, a trigger schema is the set of properties and attributes that define a trigger. The schema specifies when the trigger is executed and what actions are performed by the trigger.

The basic syntax for creating a trigger in T-SQL is:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON table_name
  -- Trigger logic here

In this syntax, trigger_name is the name of the trigger, table_name is the name of the table that the trigger is associated with, and {INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE} specifies the DML operation that triggers the trigger. The AFTER keyword indicates that the trigger should be executed after the DML operation completes.

The trigger schema can also include other attributes, such as the INSTEAD OF keyword, which specifies that the trigger should replace the default behavior of the DML operation rather than execute after it. The schema can also include conditions or constraints on when the trigger should be executed, such as a WHEN clause or a reference to a user-defined function.

The trigger schema can also define the actions that the trigger should perform, such as modifying data in the table or executing a stored procedure. The schema can include T-SQL statements or references to user-defined functions or procedures.

By defining the trigger schema in T-SQL, you can customize the behavior of your SQL Server database and automate common tasks, such as auditing or data validation. However, it's important to carefully design and test your triggers to avoid problems with performance, security, or data integrity.

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON table_name
-- SQL statements to execute when trigger is fired

Here are the steps to create a trigger in T-SQL:

  • Identify the trigger name: Choose a name for your trigger that is descriptive and unique.

  • Identify the table: Determine which table the trigger will be associated with.

  • Choose the trigger event: Select the event that will fire the trigger. You can choose from INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

  • Write the SQL statements: Write the SQL statements that will execute when the trigger is fired.

Recursive Triggers

Recursive triggers in SQL Server are triggers that execute recursively, which means that they trigger themselves repeatedly. A recursive trigger occurs when a DML (Data Manipulation Language) operation, such as an insert, update or delete, causes the trigger to fire, which in turn causes another DML operation, which causes the trigger to fire again, and so on.

Recursive triggers can be problematic because they can cause infinite loops, which can lead to excessive resource consumption and poor database performance. In some cases, a recursive trigger may cause the SQL Server engine to run out of stack space, resulting in an error message.

To avoid recursive triggers, you can use the following strategies:

  • Use the nested triggers server configuration option to limit the depth of recursion. By default, this option is set to 1, which means that triggers cannot call other triggers. You can increase the setting to allow nested triggers, but this can increase the risk of recursion.

  • Use the INSTEAD OF trigger instead of AFTER trigger. INSTEAD OF triggers can replace the default behavior of a DML statement, and can be used to prevent recursive triggers by avoiding the triggering DML statement.

  • Use application logic to avoid recursive operations. For example, you can use a flag in the data to indicate that a trigger has already been fired for a particular operation, and prevent the trigger from firing again.

In general, it's important to be aware of the risks associated with recursive triggers, and to take steps to prevent them from occurring. By using best practices and carefully managing triggers, you can avoid problems with recursive triggers and ensure optimal performance of your SQL Server database.

Memory Optimized Tables In Microsoft SQL Server

in SQL Server are designed to provide high-performance data access by keeping data in-memory and minimizing disk I/O. However, memory optimized tables have some limitations when it comes to SQL Server triggers:

  • No support for DDL triggers: Memory optimized tables do not support DDL triggers, which are used to respond to changes to the database schema. This means that you cannot create DDL triggers on memory optimized tables.

  • Support for AFTER triggers only: Memory optimized tables only support AFTER triggers, which execute after the data has been modified. They do not support INSTEAD OF triggers, which can be used to replace the default behavior of a DML statement.

  • Limitations on actions: Memory-optimized tables have certain limitations on the actions that can be performed within a trigger. For example, you cannot use INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements in a trigger on a memory-optimized table. Additionally, you cannot use the OUTPUT clause in a trigger on a memory-optimized table.

  • Performance impact: Triggers on memory-optimized tables can have a performance impact, especially if they perform complex or time-consuming actions. It's important to ensure that the trigger is optimized for performance and doesn't cause undue delays for users.

Overall, while memory-optimized tables offer high-performance data access in SQL Server, there are some limitations when it comes to triggers. It's important to be aware of these limitations and to ensure that any triggers on memory optimized tables are optimized for performance and limited in scope.

Types of Triggers

In SQL Server, there are two types of triggers that can be used to automate certain actions or enforce data integrity rules:

Data Manipulation Language (DML) Triggers

DML Triggers: Data Manipulation Language (DML) triggers are invoked automatically in response to data manipulation operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. They can be used to enforce data integrity rules and business logic, audit data changes, and perform other actions based on changes to the data.

The key distinction between the trigger and procedure is that a trigger is called automatically when a data modification event occurs against a table. DML triggers can be defined on tables or views, and can be either AFTER triggers, which execute after the data manipulation statement has been completed, or INSTEAD OF triggers, which execute instead of the data manipulation statement. In DML triggers, there are two virtual tables during the execution of the trigger that holds the data being affected by the trigger execution. Those tables are named inserted and deleted and they have the same table structure as their base table. Something to keep in mind is that the inserted and deleted tables.

DML (Data Manipulation Language) triggers are database triggers that are executed in response to specific data manipulation events such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a table. In SQL Server.

Here are some common types of DML triggers in SQL Server:

  • AFTER INSERT Trigger: This trigger fires after a new row is inserted into a table.

  • AFTER UPDATE Trigger: This trigger fires after an existing row is updated in a table.

  • AFTER DELETE Trigger: This trigger fires after a row is deleted from a table.

  • INSTEAD OF Trigger: This trigger is fired instead of the DML statement, and allows the trigger to modify the statement or perform some other action instead.

  • FOR INSERT Trigger: This trigger fires only for INSERT statements and can be used to enforce business rules, data validation, or perform other actions based on the new data being inserted.

  • FOR UPDATE Trigger: This trigger fires only for UPDATE statements and can be used to enforce business rules, data validation, or perform other actions based on the updated data.

  • FOR DELETE Trigger: This trigger fires only for DELETE statements and can be used to enforce business rules, data validation, or perform other actions based on the deleted data.

Here Is An Example Of An INSTEAD OF Trigger For The "Orders" Table:

First, let's create a table called "orders" against your database server with three columns:

    order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    customer_name VARCHAR(50),
    order_date DATE

Here's an example of a database objects, INSTEAD OF a trigger on the "orders" table:

CREATE TRIGGER tr_instead_of_insert_order
ON orders
    DECLARE @order_id INT
    SELECT @order_id = ISNULL(MAX(order_id), 0) + 1 FROM orders

    INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, order_date)
    SELECT @order_id, i.customer_name, i.order_date
    FROM inserted i

This trigger is an INSTEAD OF trigger on the "orders" table that fires instead of an INSERT statement. It generates a new order_id for each inserted row, and then inserts the new row into the "orders" table with the generated order_id.

Note that the "inserted" table is a special table in SQL Server that contains the rows that were inserted by the triggering statement. In this case, the trigger selects the values from the "inserted" table and inserts them into the "orders" table with a new order_id.

SQL Insert Data Trigger – Example

Here's an example of a SQL INSERT trigger using T-SQL to create the necessary tables and sample data:

let's create a table called "order_logs" with four columns:

CREATE TABLE order_logs (
    log_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    order_id INT,
    log_date DATETIME,
    log_message VARCHAR(200)

This table will store a historical record of all order insertions, along with a log message that describes the action performed.

Now let's use an Insert statement to inject some sample data into the "orders" table:

INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, order_date)
VALUES (1, 'John Smith', '2022-02-14');
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, order_date)
VALUES  (2, 'Jane Doe', '2022-02-13');

And let's create an INSERT trigger on the "orders" table that will automatically insert a record into the "order_logs" a separate table that tracks each time a new order is added:

CREATE TRIGGER order_insert_trigger
ON orders
    INSERT INTO order_logs (order_id, log_date, log_message)
    SELECT i.order_id, GETDATE(), 'New order inserted for customer: ' + i.customer_name
    FROM inserted i;

This trigger fires after an INSERT operation on the "orders" table, and inserts a record into the "order_logs" table with the same order ID, the current date and time, and a log message that describes the action performed.

Now, if we insert a new order into the "orders" table, we'll see a corresponding record in the "order_logs" table:

INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_name, order_date)
VALUES (3, 'Bob Johnson', '2022-02-14');

And if we query the "order_logs" table, we'll see a record with a log message indicating that a new order was inserted for customer "Bob Johnson":

SELECT * FROM order_logs;

DELETE Statement Trigger – Example

Here's an example of a SQL DELETE trigger using the same tables we created in the previous example:

CREATE TRIGGER order_delete_trigger
ON orders
    INSERT INTO order_logs (order_id, log_date, log_message)
    SELECT d.order_id, GETDATE(), 'Order deleted for customer: ' + d.customer_name
    FROM deleted d;

This trigger fires after a DELETE operation on the "orders" table, and inserts a record into the "order_logs" table with the same order ID as the deleted record, the current date and time, and a log message that describes the action performed.

Now, if we delete an order from the "orders" table, we'll see a corresponding record in the "order_logs" table:

DELETE FROM orders WHERE order_id = 2;

And if we query the "order_logs" table, we'll see a record with a log message indicating that an order was deleted for customer "Jane Doe":

SELECT * FROM order_logs;

Note that the "deleted" table is a special table that is available within triggers, and contains the rows that were just deleted from the triggering table.

Both types of DML triggers can be useful in certain scenarios, but they each have their own advantages and limitations. It's important to understand the differences between the two and use them appropriately for your specific requirements.

Optimizing DML Triggers In SQL Server

be sure that it is as efficient as possible and does not impact the performance of other database operations.

Here are a few tips for optimizing a DDL trigger:

Keep the trigger code simple:

Complex trigger logic can be difficult to maintain and debug, and can also slow down the performance of the trigger. Keep the trigger code as simple as possible.

Use the appropriate trigger type:

There are three types of DDL triggers in SQL Server:

AFTER triggers, INSTEAD OF triggers, and combination triggers. Each type has its own use case, so choose the appropriate trigger type for your scenario.

Minimize the number of triggers:

If you have multiple triggers on the same table or database, they can interfere with each other and cause performance issues. Try to consolidate your triggers into as few as possible, and avoid redundant or unnecessary triggers.

Limit the scope of the trigger:

Use the EVENTDATA() function to identify the specific event that triggered the DDL trigger, and limit the scope of the trigger to only the relevant objects.

Avoid complex queries in the trigger:

Complex queries, especially those that join multiple tables, can slow down the trigger's performance. Instead, use simple queries and avoid accessing other tables if possible.

Test and tune the trigger:

Before deploying the trigger to production, test it with a large dataset to make sure it performs well. Monitor the trigger's performance and make adjustments as needed.

By following these tips, you can optimize your DDL trigger and ensure that it has minimal impact on your database's performance.

Data Definition Language (DDL) Triggers

DDL Triggers: Data Definition Language (DDL) triggers are fired in response to Data Definition Language (DDL) events, such as CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements. They can be used to enforce administrative policies, perform maintenance tasks, and audit database schema changes. DDL triggers can be defined at the server or database level, and can be either AFTER triggers, which execute after the DDL statement has completed, or INSTEAD OF triggers, which execute instead of the DDL statement.

DDL (Data Definition Language) triggers in a database management system are a special type of trigger that execute automatically in response to certain DDL events such as CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statements. Here are some common types of DDL triggers:

  • AFTER CREATE Trigger: This trigger fires after a new object (such as a table or stored procedure) is created in the database.

  • AFTER ALTER Trigger: This trigger fires after an existing object is modified (such as a table being altered to add or remove columns).

  • AFTER DROP Trigger: This trigger fires after an existing object (such as a table or stored procedure) is dropped from the database.

  • INSTEAD OF Trigger: This trigger is fired instead of the DDL statement, and allows the trigger to modify the statement or perform some other action instead.

  • LOGON Trigger: This trigger is fired when a user logs into the database, and can be used to enforce security policies or perform other actions.

  • SERVER Scope Trigger: This type of trigger applies to the entire server and can be used to enforce global policies or perform actions such as auditing.

These are some of the common types of DDL triggers, but the specific types and capabilities may vary depending on the database management system being used.

Here's an example of an AFTER ALTER trigger that logs to an "Audit" table:

    event_type VARCHAR(50),
    object_name VARCHAR(50),
    event_date DATETIME

CREATE TRIGGER tr_after_alter_table
    DECLARE @object_name VARCHAR(50)
    SET @object_name = EVENTDATA().value('(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]', 'VARCHAR(50)')

    INSERT INTO Audit (event_type, object_name, event_date)
    VALUES ('ALTER_TABLE', @object_name, GETDATE())

This trigger is an AFTER ALTER_TABLE trigger that fires after a table is altered in the database. The trigger first retrieves the name of the altered object using the EVENTDATA function and inserts a new row into the "Audit" table with the event type, object name, and current date and time.

Note that the "Audit" table needs to be created before the trigger can be created.

The "Audit" table has three columns: "event_type" to store the type of event that occurred, "object_name" to store the name of the altered object, and "event_date" to store the date and time when the event occurred.

Logon Trigger

A Logon Trigger in SQL Server is a special type of trigger that fires in response to a user's connection to the SQL Server instance AKA a logon event It is executed after the authentication process is successfully completed, but before the user session is actually established SQL Server. Logon triggers fire after the authentication phase of logging in finishes, but before the user session is established. So, all messages originating inside the trigger that would typically reach the user, such as error messages and messages from the PRINT statement, are diverted to the SQL Server error log.

Logon triggers can be used to enforce security policies, auditing, or custom login procedures. For example, a logon trigger can be set up to prevent certain users from logging in during specific time periods, or to redirect users to a custom login screen. It can also be used to record login attempts, monitor user activity, or enforce password policies.

Logon triggers are created using Transact-SQL commands and are associated with a specific SQL Server instance or database. They can be enabled or disabled using the

ALTER TRIGGER statement.

Here is an example of a Logon Trigger in SQL Server that restricts access to the SQL Server instance based on the time of day:

  DECLARE @hour int

  IF (@hour < 8 OR @hour > 18) AND ORIGINAL_LOGIN() NOT IN ('sa', 'domain\admin')
    PRINT 'Access to SQL Server is only allowed between 8am and 6pm.'

In this example, the trigger is created on the ALL SERVER level and is set to fire FOR LOGON events. The trigger then uses the DATEPART function to extract the current hour of the day, and checks if the login user is not 'sa' or 'domain\admin'. If the login user is not an administrator and the current time is outside of business hours (i.e. before 8am or after 6pm), the trigger rolls back the login attempt and displays a message to the user.

This is just one example of how a Logon Trigger can be used in SQL Server to enforce security policies. The possibilities are endless, and Logon Triggers can be used to perform a wide range of custom login procedures, such as redirecting users to a custom login screen, enforcing password policies, or logging login attempts.

SQL Server Trigger Usage Scenarios

Triggers in T-SQL are used to automate certain actions or enforce data integrity rules when data is modified in a database. Here are some situations when you might want to use a trigger:

Enforcing business rules:

Triggers can be used to enforce business rules by checking the validity of data being modified in a table before the data is inserted, updated, or deleted. For example, you might use a trigger to enforce a rule that prevents the deletion of a record if it is referenced by another record.

Auditing data changes:

Triggers can be used to audit changes to data in a database by writing the changes to a separate audit table. This can be useful for compliance purposes, or for tracking changes made by users.

Replicating data:

Triggers can be used to replicate data from one database to another. For example, you might use a trigger to replicate data from a production database to a reporting database.

Performing complex calculations:

Triggers can be used to perform complex calculations on data when it is modified. For example, you might use a trigger to calculate a running total or average of values in a table.

Maintaining referential integrity:

Triggers can be used to maintain referential integrity by checking that foreign key constraints are not violated when data is modified. For example, you might use a trigger to prevent the deletion of a record that is referenced by another record.

It's important to use triggers judiciously, as they can have a performance impact on a database, especially if they are complex or fire frequently. Before using a trigger, consider whether the same functionality can be achieved using other mechanisms, such as stored procedures or application code.

While Triggers In SQL Server Can Be Useful In Certain Situations, There Are Potential Drawbacks:


Triggers can slow down database operations because they add additional processing overhead. In high-volume transactional systems, this can lead to performance issues and slow response times.


Triggers can be complex to write and maintain, especially if they involve multiple tables or complex business logic. This can make it harder to understand and debug database behavior.

Unintended Consequences:

If triggers are not designed carefully, they can cause unintended consequences such as data inconsistencies, circular references, or infinite loops. This can result in data corruption or other issues that can be difficult to diagnose and resolve.


Triggers can make it harder to scale a database because they add additional processing overhead and can make it more difficult to partition data across multiple servers.


If triggers are used to enforce security policies, they can be bypassed by users with administrative privileges. This can create security vulnerabilities and make it harder to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Create A Trigger In SQL Server Management Studio

Each trigger will be created in the triggers folder in SSMS

New And Modify Triggers

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